
Thousands of miles Learn more about Thousands of miles

  • Driving thousands of miles to send crutches found wooden crutches really rare man: spend money to buy as a souvenir

    Driving thousands of miles to send crutches found wooden crutches really rare man: spend money to buy as a souvenir

    Drive thousands of miles to send crutches, found wooden crutches really rare, man: spend money to buy as a souvenir. In today's society, the state has given relatively large financial assistance to people who have lost their basic living capabilities, whether it is from material help or from spiritual support.

  • No matter thousands of miles apart, it can make you and your love infinitely close.

    No matter thousands of miles apart, it can make you and your love infinitely close.

    The brain starts to listen to the sound of the night with you! It is common to pay attention to the white-collar workers who work a bad job and work an extra shift, and it is hard to support their families. But for flower lovers, the beloved green plant in the home office will suffer.

  • The majestic Chinese landscape bonsai can see thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in one pot.

    The majestic Chinese landscape bonsai can see thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in one pot.

    The greatest feature of landscape bonsai is majestic, a shallow basin condensed Qifeng strange mountains, high gorges flying ripples, Baizhang Qianfeng, cave secluded wonders all kinds of magnificent scenery, make people feel immersive, full of interest. Today, Huahua will bring you a personal name.

  • Planting roses: fragrance drifts thousands of miles to get rich

    Planting roses: fragrance drifts thousands of miles to get rich

    Planting roses: fragrance drifts thousands of miles to get rich

  • Spatial Relationship between Real and Virtual Scenes in Bonsai

    Spatial Relationship between Real and Virtual Scenes in Bonsai

    "Real scene" refers to the landscape composed of trees, stones, soil, water, grass, moss and their combination arranged in the basin, which is the realistic scene within the space range of the basin, and "virtual scene" refers to the artistic realm of "scene outside the basin". The real space is finite, while the virtual space is infinite. The so-called "small see big","close to a thousand miles","a peak is too many thousand miles, a spoonful of just rivers thousands of miles" and so on, refers to the two spatial relations expressed by bonsai. "Small","close"

  • Buying turkeys for thousands of miles and raising turkeys opens the way to prosperity.

    Buying turkeys for thousands of miles and raising turkeys opens the way to prosperity.

    In recent years, farmers in rural areas have tried to find ways to increase efficiency with special features, and there are many chickens to feed. Reporters have seen a lot of them, and they are more or less used to seeing them. However, on July 15, in Group 11 of Baisheng Village, Zhongquan Town, Ziliujing District, Zigong City, the chicken fed by the owner Liao Shujun

    2020-11-08 Thousands of miles buy turkey raise open get rich in recent years rural areas
  • Natural method of bonsai creation

    Natural method of bonsai creation

    Nature teaches the so-called "nature" and "nature", which includes everything in the world. Bonsai is the artistic generalization and artistic reappearance of famous mountain people, Chuan and Qi hundred old trees. To create bonsai, the most important thing is to have a hilly forest spring on your chest before you have it.

  • Cross the border 02 "why cross thousands of miles to the Thai-Burmese border to do public welfare? The figure of Taiwan on Highway 105

    Cross the border 02

    Cross the border 02 "why cross thousands of miles to the Thai-Burmese border to do public welfare? The figure of Taiwan on Highway 105

  • Landscape bonsai: thousands of ways to make the world beautiful in the basin

    Landscape bonsai: thousands of ways to make the world beautiful in the basin

    Landscape bonsai is a group of landscape displayed by mountains, stones, grass and trees through a certain arrangement and combination, which has a law of mountain topography or structural combination. Next, let's enjoy the representative bonsai works of landscapes, hoping to have a better communication with bonsai lovers.

  • Bonsai creation: deficiency and reality are born together, and they are dense and sparse.

    Bonsai creation: deficiency and reality are born together, and they are dense and sparse.

    The so-called deficiency and reality refers to the relationship between fullness and emptiness, sparseness and density. When it is too full, it looks clumsy, bloated, and suffocating. Therefore, it is necessary to be sparse and dense, and it is suitable for deficiency and reality. If it is dense in one place, it must be sparse in one place in order to soothe its qi. But should not be too thin, lest all things in the basin lose contact, and the Lord does not care for each other.

  • Can heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine Qianliguang treat eczema? How to treat it? What are the side effects? Do you understand all the six functions and functions?!

    Can heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine Qianliguang treat eczema? How to treat it? What are the side effects? Do you understand all the six functions and functions?!

    As the saying goes, if you know Qianliguang, you will not have sores all your life, so it can be seen that Qianliguang has a good effect on scabies. Not only that, Qianliguang also has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving itching and so on, so it is widely used as medicinal materials. At present, it has been planted in Shaanxi, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places in China.

    2020-11-09 Heat-clearing detoxification herbs thousands of miles light energy treatment eczema Mo how
  • Originated from nature, ingenious

    Originated from nature, ingenious

    Bonsai is an artistic reproduction of ancient trees in nature, hills and valleys. To create bonsai, we must first collect materials, make hills and valleys, and then have "reproduction" at all. Therefore, learning is naturally a prerequisite for creation. It's both creative...

  • I raised this kind of flower at home. The fragrance of the flower is ten miles away. It is sweeter than osmanthus. The mosquito repellent effect is excellent.

    I raised this kind of flower at home. The fragrance of the flower is ten miles away. It is sweeter than osmanthus. The mosquito repellent effect is excellent.

    Flower-raising site attention, get more flower-raising skills! If you want to beautify your home environment by raising some flowers and plants at home, Qilixiang is definitely an ideal choice. It is evergreen all the year round, blooming when the flowers are fragrant and lasting. The flowers bloom from June to...

  • Bonsai creation: strange layout, the small sees the big

    Bonsai creation: strange layout, the small sees the big

    After the abdominal manuscript is typed, it can be arranged according to the rules. Layout is the layout and settlement of the scenery, that is, modeling. No matter what the theme is, bonsai emphasizes the artistic effect of seeing the big in the small more than the garden. The better the effect, the higher the artistic value of bonsai. Although there are large bonsai in bonsai

  • What's a good name for bonsai garden?

    What's a good name for bonsai garden?

    Bonsai Garden, a landscape bonsai garden, the garden landscape does not need to watch the scene, the photo is a picture of bonsai has a history of hundreds of years. I almost heard the turbulent changes of the dynasty, the crazy songs of the times, the low roots of the roots, and everything was buried in a small flowerpot. Blondes thousands of miles away attract the beauty of China.

  • The method of making hanging bonsai DIY

    The method of making hanging bonsai DIY

    Bonsai gives people a peak is too China thousand fathom, a spoon is thousands of miles of artistic feelings, affecting the feelings of the poet. For example, the poem is full of mountains for tens of thousands of miles, all in a small basin, the pool light and sky shadow are blue, and only a few bottles of water are added to the shore, which is the poet's sincere praise for the art of bonsai. Nowadays, more and more people's love for plants

  • Matters needing attention in the maintenance of landscape bonsai

    Matters needing attention in the maintenance of landscape bonsai

    Landscape bonsai is developed on the basis of potted plants and stone play in our country, using plants, rocks and other materials as materials, using the artistic modeling technique of shrinking dragon into an inch, thousands of miles away, to express the natural landscape in the basin to express the author's thoughts and feelings. It requires mutual harmony in the aspects of scenery, basin, shelf, inscription and so on.

  • The potted plant is the guest at the dinner table.

    The potted plant is the guest at the dinner table.

    Potted plants enter the room, and the beauty of bonsai for guests at the table is still natural, but its production depends entirely on manual work. As far as art is concerned, art is supposed to imitate nature. For example, the landscape in the picture has the potential of thousands of miles. Du Fu Wangyue, layer clouds swinging chest, flying.

  • What does Cold Dew mean?

    What does Cold Dew mean?

    What does Cold Dew mean?

  • Pomegranate flowers are about to burn in May.

    Pomegranate flowers are about to burn in May.

    In May, the beginning of summer, it belongs to pomegranate flowers. The pomegranate flower is so special that there are probably very few people you don't know. Its fruit, fruit pomegranate, is also well known and highly recognizable. With most of the people we are familiar with.
